Security & Alerting Mobile App

Mobile Mass Notification

A workforce safety app for employees to alert the organization during emergencies through mass notification using CERTIFY Alert Mobile App.


Mass Notifications

Easy-to-use device for delivering alerts to your employees about emergencies and natural disasters.


Alerting System

Create a safe environment for employees to work in, by providing them with a seamless alerting system.


One Simple Press

It takes only a press of a button to text alert system in any situation, such as fire hazards or medical emergencies.

Unified security system

Wherever they are, make sure your employees are secure and connected.

Install CERTIFY Alert mobile app and secure your enterprise and employees from imminent threats and natural disasters.


Features that will keep your business protected

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Alert via multiple Channels

Email, text/SMS, and phone calls are all effective ways offered by to send mass notifications.

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Customized Options

Monitor, notify and tailor the notification sent from your device based on location, time, and other criteria

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Two-way Communication

One unique portal with specific data insights, such as who sent the notifications and who received them.

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Instant Member Onboarding

Add users and give them access to the CERTIFY Alert app and protect both your users and your workplace.


Benefits of using CERTIFY Alert

It is important that you take all the necessary steps to create a safe environment for your employees to work in. The CERTIFY Alert app ensures the safety of your organization and provides the employees with a secure workspace. Here are the benefits you will get by taking this step.


Other Services

Additional Services Offered by


Simple platform to manage all vendor information.


Optimized Thermal & Facial recognition solutions


Manage Time & Attendance of your employees.


Your Physical Access Control System Solution.


Your one-stop solution for Visitor Management.

Install CERTIFY Alert mobile app
Installing Mobile App

Easier and faster Implementation on your mobile


Read Our Latest Tips & Tricks


Do You Have Any Questions?

The ability to create a safe environment for employees in the office allows them to raise an alert whenever required in an emergency. CERTIFY Alert app allows sending mass notifications to all the employees in an emergency and provides the necessary security they deserve.

Keep an eye on your surroundings- CERTIFY Alert offers additional security measures for all kinds of emergencies. With the simple push of a button, you can alert your office’s personnel about any recent issues, from a tornado warning to live shooting, protect people and resources at any cost.

Once the user installs CERTIFY Alert app, no matter where they are, as long as your users have internet access, the app will notify them of important events and keep them informed.

Download the CERTIFY Alert app from Google Play or Apple and install it on their tablet or smartphone. Verify your mobile number with you are good to go.

Start your free trial

Get access to your 15 days free trial to CERTIFY Alert System here