Vendor Management

CERTIFY Vendor Management Software

Offering suppliers and vendor organizations an end-to-end vendor management solution with a vendor credentialing system.

If you are a Vendor Organization,

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Vendor management Tool

Unified portal for vendor management system

Improve communication with your vendors through our streamlined portal. With, the Healthcare Industry manages its vendor relationships by providing regular updates and feedback on performance. As a part of security measures, CERTIFY Vendor Portal offers a credentialing system where vendors are required to upload their certificates (ex, vaccination) that are required by the organization.

Monitor vendor performance against your goals, maintain healthy communication to ensure they are aligned with your business needs and renew vendor management contracts on a regular basis.

If you are an Enterprise looking for Vendor Management Portal,


Oversee the Entire Vendor Management Lifecycle

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Easy Onboarding

A streamlined solution for vendors, customers and visitors with fast and simple onboarding processes.

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Vendor Credentialing

A customizable feature to book appointments, track status, and credentialing vendor and receive notifications.

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Performance Monitoring

Build strong relationships with your existing and new vendors with advanced reporting and analytics processes.

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Seamless Scheduling

Manage a wide range of vendor visits, control the process, and maintain smooth business development.

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Simple Check-In & Out

Provide your customers and vendors to check-in and check-out securely with all the information you need.

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Visibility to Vendor Activity

Track vendor performance, compliance, and notifies when vendor books an appointment.


CERTIFY Vendor management mobile app

Cause every good vendor deserves a well-organized app

If you are an Individual Vendor,

Other Services

Additional Services Offered by


Your one-stop solution for Visitor Management.


Optimized Thermal & Facial recognition solutions


Your Physical Access Control System Solution.


Your office mates personal security system.


Manage Time & Attendance of your employees.


Features that make Vendor Management easier

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Touchless Registration

Avoid manually registering vendors and opt for touchless registration, that is secure and timesaving.

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Smart Alerts

Customers, visitors, vendors and merchants will have the flexibility to send or receive alerts, based on the status of the product.

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Two-way communication Portal offers a unified portal to maintain effective communication between you and your vendors.

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Multi-Factor Authentication

Organizations can use Two-Factor Authentication to customize the digital credentials of their vendors and visitors.

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Contactless Authentication

Contactless authentication enables secure registration, onboarding, and check-in and check-out without any physical contact.

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Temperature Measurement

CERTIFY SnapXT, an advanced facial recognition system records the thermal temperature of vendor entering the building.


One Platform for Complete Vendor Management

Streamlined vendor onboarding for all sorts of vendors and a single, centralized platform for all vendor requests. Have access to each supplier's product-level information, provide an efficient means of reporting on performance, track important deadlines and receive automatic notifications, and integrate into any existing systems.

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Increase Efficiency

Manage all tasks in one place using Platform.

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Advanced Reporting

Detect inconsistency and improve vendors performance.

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Easy Integrations

Adaptable and easily configurable into existing systems.

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Reduce Manual Entry

Avoid manual registrations, optimize automated workflow.


Read Our Latest Tips & Tricks

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The Future of Visitor Management System for Reception and Front Desk Managers 

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Do You Have Any Questions?

Vendor Management system is an application designed to provide the information that vendors need in a timely manner. The software provides a centralized system for the management of vendors and their suppliers. This ensures that vendors can fulfill their contractual obligations on time.

The goal is to ensure vendors and service providers interact seamlessly, and they are connected digitally with all parties involved, so business performance is not adversely affected.

With CERTIFY Snap, visitors and vendors can easily gain access using facial recognition and QR codes sent to their respective email addresses.

CERTIFY vendor real-time reporting system lets you know the status of your vendors at any time. Ensure your vendors receive essential training and drive better vendor services for your organization.

Start your free trial

Get access to your 15 days free trial to CERTIFY Vendor Management System here