Receive Notifications and alerts whenever a guest arrives

Manage visitors securely and efficiently in your organizations with CERTIFY lobby notification and alerts.

Alert notifications solutions

How CERTIFY Lobby helps you manage visitors

The notification and alerts system in CERTIFY Lobby enables organizations to manage visitors in several ways. For example, it can provide real-time notifications to staff when a visitor arrives or leaves, allowing them to keep track of who is on the premises at any given time. This can be especially useful in large organizations with many visitors, as it can help staff keep track of who is in the building and where they are.


Secure your Organization with Alerts

CERTIFY Lobby enables organizations to set up an alert to be triggered if a visitor tries to access a restricted area, or if a visitor's badge is not properly scanned when they check in or check out the building.

With the CERTIFY lobby, protect against unauthorized access and ensure that all your visitors are tracked and monitored.

Notification settings
Facial recognition system management

Manage your visitors through SnapXT

When CERTIFY SnapXT, a facial recognition device detects user with fever at the lobby, management will get a notification in several ways. The most common way is through an automated alert system. This system can be configured to send an email, SMS, or other type of notification to the appropriate personnel.


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Do You Have Any Questions?

Notifications and alerts are messages or pop-up windows that appear on your device or computer screen to inform you of something important. Notifications can be sent to you via email, SMS, or in-app notifications, while alerts are typically sent through your operating system or an app.

  • Improved efficiency
  • Enhanced security,
  • Enhanced communication
  • Improved customer service
  • Increased productivity

CERTIFY Notification and alert systems help organizations operate more efficiently by providing real-time information about events and situations that require attention. This can save time and effort by allowing staff to take action more quickly and efficiently.

Notification and alerts can be sent to a variety of people, including staff members, security personnel, and other stakeholders. The specific recipients of an alert will depend on the nature of the alert and the roles and responsibilities of the individuals involved.

Notification and alerts can be delivered in a variety of ways, including by email, text message, phone call, or push notification. The most appropriate method of delivery will depend on the nature of the alert and the preferences of the recipient.

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