QR code Generator and Scanner

Scan & Enter, with CERTIFY QR Code Access Control

Get your access done quickly and securely in your workplace with CERTIFY QR Code Access control.

CERTIFY QR code access

Why is Access through QR Code Essential?

Providing users with a QR code link (a digital key) is an easy way to provide access to your office. Send QR Code links via email and SMS to provide users with a robust access experience. By using the link, visitors can generate a QR code to scan at the reception to gain secure access.


QR Code to Manage Access at your Organization

QR codes can be customized, sent through email and SMS, and generated and scanned at CERTIFY Snap device. 

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Contactless Check-in

With CERTIFY QR code access solution optimize touchless authentication at your organization.

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Set up custom Questionaries

Create custom questionnaires for users to generate QR codes to access your organization.

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Secure Authentication

CERTIFY Access control offers secure and effective access solution for all types of enterprises.

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Send Via multiple Channels

Send QR link to visitors, vendors, customers and new joiners with the QR link sent via multiple channels.


QR Code for accessing Vendors

Offer your vendors a contactless check-in method to gain access to your facility. Send a Touchless registration link to vendors via email and SMS and let them generate a secure CERTIFY QR code and scan it at the CERTIFY Snap device.

QR code Vendor Management
Visitor Management for visitors

QR code entry for all visitors

With CERTIFY QR codes, visitors can save time and effort by not having to go through the hassle of waiting in line and gaining access instantly. Due to its ease of use and accessibility companies can create their own QR code for accessing their building or office space and provide them to whomever they want.


Benefits of using CERTIFY QR Code access control

  • Contactless Check-in solutions
  • Digitized access key for logins
  • Strong and reliable access control systems
  • Quick access control for business operations
  • Easy to send and generate QR code for login
  • Customizable option for sending QR code links

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Organization with QR Code access control

QR Access control for Employees

Offer your employees a contactless check-in method and make sure that you provide them with the QR code scanner. It will help them scan the QR code and get access to your facility without having to go through a lengthy process.


Read Our Latest Tips & Tricks


Do You Have Any Questions?

A QR code is a sort of barcode that encodes information as a sequence of pixels in a square-shaped grid. They are often utilized in stores to scan and buy. Recently, they have played a key role in authentication using unique links sent to their smartphones where users can generate their own QR code to access doors at offices.


CERTIFY Access provides many contactless check-in methods to access entry into your facility and a QR code is one of those methods. QR code makes it easy for the organization to provide access to users, customers, vendors, and many more. They just have to send a secure link to the corresponding member and that individual can generate QR code and login. As simple as that.


Contact our sales department today and deploy instantly in your organization. Contact here for sales. And get free demos or else start free trials now.

CERTIFY offers multiple contactless access control, like Facial Recognition, Thermal imaging, RFID, and QR code logins.

Get your Free Trial

Start your free 15-day trial of CERTIFY QR code Generator and Scanner.